High Point Civil Litigation Lawyers

Any business, personal or financial dispute that may ultimately be resolved in court calls for in-depth analysis by a knowledgeable attorney. While most such matters can be settled through negotiation or mediation, your success in obtaining a favorable outcome will likely depend on your lawyer's ability to effectively pursue or defend a lawsuit all the way through trial if necessary.

Civil litigation is a broad term covering many legal proceedings outside the criminal justice system. Essentially, if one party in a dispute is seeking monetary damages or a court order to compel another to fulfill an obligation, a civil lawsuit is the primary means of doing so. At Morgan, Herring, Morgan, Green & Rosenblutt, L.L.P., our High Point civil litigation attorneys have many decades of experience providing sound advice and going the distance to protect our clients' interests.

Do You Need A Guilford County Contract Disputes Attorney? Injured, Divorcing Or Wronged Financially Elsewhere In The Triad Area?

Our highly regarded law firm has represented many of the Triad Area's most prominent companies and thousands of individuals in civil litigation matters. Our services and capabilities in this area cover a broad spectrum of legal disputes associated with:

  • Personal injury and wrongful death claims after accidents caused by someone's negligence
  • Divorce and other family law concerns after or outside of divorce
  • Contract disputes, employment disputes, commercial debt collection and other matters of business and corporate law
  • Real estate and construction disputes
  • Insurance disputes, including advocacy for home and business owners after property and casualty losses

Turn To A Respected North Carolina Firm Where Your Interests Will Come First

Since our firm's founding in 1942, we have been fiercely committed to obtaining justice and helping our clients make the soundest possible decisions. Our excellent relationships with North Carolina court officials and our professional colleagues are essential assets. For a free, discreet and productive consultation with an accomplished civil litigator, contact us today.